

Started by D.M Onuigbo through the help of the Holy Spirit that lives in us. It started with little thoughts of sharing random verses daily for 14 days before my wife's birthday in 2020. After this, I saw that the verses were inspiring and many liked it. So, I thought of doing 200 daily random verses. Which I share on WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook. I completed the 200 random verses and thought I could have young ones read the verses and make a video to refresh those of us who went through the 200 verses. So, I decided to create this website where I can share everything including dreams that I feel are important for the public. The dreams are shared in "Messages" and I hope to study each verse and share my thoughts in "Bible Messages". Enjoy.

If you like what we are doing and feel like supporting us in any way, you can email us or use the Give tab. I believe that this website will touch many lives positively and more can be done for the salvation of many. Facebook page has now been created.

Email: dosimpletv@gmail.com
